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God provides a safety net of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual boundaries for us in His Word. We also have convictions as added protection. This series focuses on enforcing boundaries in four crucial areas of our lives that will help establish a legacy in your home.
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The world needs men who are courageous! The standard of the day is to simply accept everything in the name of tolerance. This series helps you have the courage needed in today's world.
Curing Financial Depression
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Money is a topic that causes strain in many facets of our lives. If men are going to leave a legacy and follow their vision, they must not allow money to be their master. in this series, you will discover how to develop healthy financial habits.
Dreams Come True
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In this series, you will discover how Joseph took responsibility for his life in every situation. You will learn how to overcome every situation and leave a resounding legacy.
Four Excuses Of Moses
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Men must walk a life of obedience to God. However, we make excuses to keep us from this. This series helps you put to rest any excuse you would use to not follow God's direction.
How To Find Gods Abundance
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God has plans to improve your life and He desires to increase your sensitivity to His presence and power. This series will help you focus on what God's Word declares about abundance--not just for now but also for the future.
Passing The Baton
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Dads should transfer their knowledge and wisdom to their children. If the transfer is not done (or not done well) the result is a weak legacy for you, and lower chances of success for your kids. This series helps you develop a strategy to pass on your values, morals and convictions.
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You can be riding a wave of blessing and then suddenly find yourself in a stagnant place of no blessing. There are times when your routine is out of whack due to life experiences or a lack of discipline. The result is that your relationship with God slumps. This three part series will help you SURGE into a new place in God.
Where Is He Leading You?
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The greatest single tool to reach a generation is a well articulated and understood vision. This series helps you understand that a vision needs to be bold and uncompromising. It must look to the future, but not forget the past, or overlook the present.
¿Adónde lo guía Dios?
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La mejor herramienta para llegar a una generación es una visión bien articulada y entendida. Esta serie te ayuda a comprender que una visión debe ser audaz e intransigente. Debe mirar hacia el futuro, pero no olvidar el pasado ni pasar por alto el presente.
Tag Youre It
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The culture of America has changed. If the church is going to engage and reach the lost, the church must represent Christ in the same way He appeared to His followers after the cross. This series helps men get a snapshot of the culture we live in currently. It also helps men to be sure of the power of God in their witness to other people.
¡Etiqueta! Es tu turno.
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La cultura de los Estados Unidos ha cambiado. Si la iglesia va a participar y alcanzar a los perdidos, la iglesia debe representar a Cristo de la misma manera que Él se apareció a sus seguidores después de la cruz. Esta serie ayuda a los hombres a obtener una instantánea de la cultura en la que vivimos actualmente. También ayuda a los hombres a estar seguros del poder de Dios en su testimonio a otras personas.
Courage - Men's Theme
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The Courage level of a man's discipleship journey is the starting point. Do you have the COURAGE to begin the journey? These lessons come from the 2018 Men's Ministry yearly theme. However, the truths in these Bible study lessons are timeless and can be used anytime.
Valentia - Una Teme Para Hombres
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El nivel de Coraje del viaje de discipulado de un hombre es el punto de partida. ¿Tienes el VALOR para comenzar el viaje? Estas lecciones provienen del tema anual del Ministerio de Hombres de 2018. Sin embargo, las verdades de estas lecciones de estudio bíblico son eternas y se pueden usar en cualquier momento.
Strength Men's Theme
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A spiritually wimpy man has little use. If you have trusted Christ to save you and want to follow Him, then you have been given authority over every spiritual attach you'll face in life. As you grow in Christ you need to develop STRENGTH for deliverance, forgiveness, service, and leading your family.
Fortaleza - Una Tema Para Hombres
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Un hombre espiritualmente débil no es útil. Si ha confiado en Cristo para salvarlo y quiere seguirlo, entonces se le ha dado autoridad sobre cada apego espiritual que enfrentará en la vida. A medida que crece en Cristo, necesita desarrollar FUERZA para la liberación, el perdón, el servicio y el liderazgo de su familia.
Endurance Men's Theme
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Life is a battle, a race, a formidable challenge! Jesus gives a man ENDURANCE to make it through. This lesson series unpacks what it means to display Christ-centered ENDURANCE, even in very difficult circumstances and events. Men who have served Jesus many years will especially benefit from this series.
Perseverancia Una Tema Para Hombres
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¡La vida es una batalla, una carrera, un desafío formidable! Jesús le da a un hombre RESISTENCIA para salir adelante. Esta serie de lecciones desglosa lo que significa mostrar RESISTENCIA centrada en Cristo, incluso en circunstancias y eventos muy difíciles. Los hombres que han servido a Jesús durante muchos años se beneficiarán especialmente de esta serie.