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Free Resources


MINISTRY TO MEN MATTERS! Because all men are at different stages of their lifelong discipleship journey with Christ, we have created FREE discipleship series and lessons that touch every area of biblical manhood, and are divided into three levels of study:

GROWTH -- Here you'll find 45 basic, but important discipleship series containing 217 lessons (11 series and 63 lessons available in Spanish) that help men grow in the four spiritual dimensions of manhood (as exemplified by Christ in His baptism and temptations in Matthew 3-4): Identity, Relationships, Purpose, and Vision.

BIBLICAL -- A laser focus on God's Word! The Journey Through Series is a growing collection of digital book studies (4 titles and 125 lessons available) that take men on a deeper journey into the Bible with a special focus on the original audience's experience, application pieces for us today, and the voice of the Holy Spirit for today's reader.

TARGETED -- The Targeted Series deals with the most significant issues and elements of a man's walk with Christ. Each lesson includes a "wide-angle" view of Biblical truth and teachings, and eventually advances to the "trigger-point" where the reader is challenged to act on what the Holy Spirit is saying to him. Four titles and 61 lessons are now available.

Growth Studies

The four dimensions of biblical manhood are Vision, Identity, Relationships and Purpose. Jesus demonstrated these in Matthew 3-4. These discipleship lessons are perfect for personal study, small group discussion, or sermon prep.

  • 217 lessons in 45 unique series
  • FREE downloads
  • 63 lessons in 11 series available in Spanish

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Biblical Studies

FREE digital books studies that take men on a journey through the biblical text with special attention to three elements: the original author's and audience's experience, the message for us today, and how is the Holy Spirit asking men to respond?

  • Total of 125 lessons (four titles) in English, and 34 lessons (one title) in Spanish
  • FREE digital PDF download
  • Interactive digital format

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Targeted Studies

A laser focus on God's Word! Each Targeted Series lesson includes a "wide-angle" view of Biblical truth, and progresses towards the "trigger-point" where the reader is challenged to act on what the Holy Spirit is saying to him.

  • 61 lessons in four English titles currently available
  • FREE digital PDF download
  • Perfect for men's small group discussions or use in sermons

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Start Your Own Men's Ministry

LAUNCH and LEAD are all you need to start a thriving Men's Ministry in the local church. Your men matter! Help them connect to each other and to Christ by providing a place for them to network, serve and grow. DOWNLOAD these free resources now!