Boiling Points
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Men often struggle with three specific emotions. If these emotions are not addressed they will poison the heart. This series identifies these toxic emotions and helps men develop a strategy to handle them.
Christians And Sexuality
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Very little is said among Christians about sexuality. God is the author of sexuality, not Hollywood. In this series, you will discover what God has to say about this subject. Quit letting the world set the agenda!
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Human beings are made for connecting to each other and to their Creator. This series addresses the importance of connecting with family, your church, and God. Without an understanding of the power of connection, spiritual growth can't happen.
Family Power
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The family is under attack. There are serious strains placed upon the relationships of the family. This series addresses four key components to spiritually strengthen families despite a culture that stands against traditional family structure.
El Poder De La Familia
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La familia está bajo ataque. Hay serias presiones sobre las relaciones de la familia. Esta serie aborda cuatro componentes clave para ayudar a las familias a fortalecerse en medio de la cultura en la que vivimos.
Family Survivor
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Being a Dad now is vastly different compared to a few decades ago. In this five part series, you will discover biblical ways to survive parenting in today's world.
A Future For Your Family
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It is God's plan for your family to have an awesome future. But popular culture has different plans, even different definitions of the word "family." This series addresses God's plan and desire for every family and how to execute it.
Flip This House
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On the TV series, "Flip this House," the episodes spotlight the purchase and renovation of broken down, single-unit homes. God looks at our "house" and desires to make it a home for Him. God is the architect and creator of the home. In this series, discover how God can make your house into a home.
Home Improvement
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Every family can use improvement in crucial areas. In this series, you will discover biblical ways to help you make improvements in your marriage and family, making them stronger.
Healing Life's Hurts Through Forgiveness
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In this series, you will discover that forgiveness is needed to heal many hurts of life. Through forgiveness we match the healing of Jesus with the hurts in our own life.
Taking Your Family To The Next Level
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How we are raised has a very strong affect on how we think and live now. Pressures abound in virtually every home today. This series provides a foundation for raising the kind of family God intends.
Courage - Men's Theme
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The Courage level of a man's discipleship journey is the starting point. Do you have the COURAGE to begin the journey? These lessons come from the 2018 Men's Ministry yearly theme. However, the truths in these Bible study lessons are timeless and can be used anytime.
Valentia - Una Teme Para Hombres
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El nivel de Coraje del viaje de discipulado de un hombre es el punto de partida. ¿Tienes el VALOR para comenzar el viaje? Estas lecciones provienen del tema anual del Ministerio de Hombres de 2018. Sin embargo, las verdades de estas lecciones de estudio bíblico son eternas y se pueden usar en cualquier momento.
Strength Men's Theme
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A spiritually wimpy man has little use. If you have trusted Christ to save you and want to follow Him, then you have been given authority over every spiritual attach you'll face in life. As you grow in Christ you need to develop STRENGTH for deliverance, forgiveness, service, and leading your family.
Fortaleza - Una Tema Para Hombres
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Un hombre espiritualmente débil no es útil. Si ha confiado en Cristo para salvarlo y quiere seguirlo, entonces se le ha dado autoridad sobre cada apego espiritual que enfrentará en la vida. A medida que crece en Cristo, necesita desarrollar FUERZA para la liberación, el perdón, el servicio y el liderazgo de su familia.
Endurance Men's Theme
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Life is a battle, a race, a formidable challenge! Jesus gives a man ENDURANCE to make it through. This lesson series unpacks what it means to display Christ-centered ENDURANCE, even in very difficult circumstances and events. Men who have served Jesus many years will especially benefit from this series.
Perseverancia - Una Tema Para Hombres
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¡La vida es una batalla, una carrera, un desafío formidable! Jesús le da a un hombre RESISTENCIA para salir adelante. Esta serie de lecciones desglosa lo que significa mostrar RESISTENCIA centrada en Cristo, incluso en circunstancias y eventos muy difíciles. Los hombres que han servido a Jesús durante muchos años se beneficiarán especialmente de esta serie.