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A Sure Foundation

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There is a culture war in America. The largest battleground is the Home, and at stake is Truth. This series helps men to establish a sure foundation so they can lead their families to face an uncertain future with confidence.

Demands Of Discipleship

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The Bible teaches us that "living by faith" requires more than just the acceptance of Christ as our Savior. As men, we are called to live a life of action. This series helps a man experience transformation in his life through this concept.

Do Something

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Don't just sit there! Do Something! Your purpose is NOT to do nothing. When a man takes the right action, with God at his side, he can be an unstoppable force for God in his home and community.

Entra Al Juego

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Dios ha provisto todo lo necesario para satisfacer todas las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Dios ha puesto todos los recursos y dones para lograr esta meta dentro del cuerpo de Cristo. Dios no quiere que nuestro don espiritual no se use. En esta serie, descubrirás cómo activar los obsequios y recursos para satisfacer las necesidades que nos rodean.

Get Into The Game

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God has provided everything necessary to meet all the needs of your community. The resources and gifts needed to accomplish His mission on earth is found within the body of Christ. We must use our spiritual gifts! In this series, you will discover how to activate and utilize those gifts and resources.

New Me

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We all like to have "do overs." In this series, you can learn how to begin fresh and follow God's plan for your life.


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In this series, two questions are addressed: 1) what is your giant, and 2) what is keeping you from destroying your giant? Designed to help you confront and overcome the biggest challenges of your life, this series will help you achieve victory over your giant.

X Factor

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Learning how to serve God and honor Him is more important than anything. This series addresses the boundaries God has given to us for that task. With these we can understand the heart and directives of God and WHY they are so important.

X Factor - Español

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Aprender a servir a Dios y honrarlo es más importante que cualquier otra cosa. Esta serie aborda los límites que Dios nos ha dado para esa tarea. Con estos podemos entender el corazón y las directivas de Dios y POR QUÉ son tan importantes.

God Can I Ask You A Question?

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We all want to successfully navigate the pathways of life. No one wants to fail. But certain questions must be answered first! The problem is that these are BIG questions. It's okay to ask God for answers. Plus, He has thoughtfully provided us with the answers in His Word.

Stumbling Blocks

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God calls believers to be different than the world. In this series you will discover the importance to remove the stumbling blocks that keep you from representing Him well in a world that desperately needs Him.


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In real life, shipwrecks result in death, destruction, and pain. This series is designed to equip you to avoid shipwrecks that are your fault and survive shipwrecks that aren't your fault.

The Big House

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The Church has come to represent many things over the years. In this series, we address what the church IS and what it is NOT. What does the church mean? What is your place in the church? What does God want to do in the church, and what is our role? This series will help men discover how they can make a difference in their local church.

Courage - Men's Theme

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The Courage level of a man's discipleship journey is the starting point. Do you have the COURAGE to begin the journey? These lessons come from the 2018 Men's Ministry yearly theme. However, the truths in these Bible study lessons are timeless and can be used anytime.

Valentia - Una Teme Para Hombres

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El nivel de Coraje del viaje de discipulado de un hombre es el punto de partida. ¿Tienes el VALOR para comenzar el viaje? Estas lecciones provienen del tema anual del Ministerio de Hombres de 2018. Sin embargo, las verdades de estas lecciones de estudio bíblico son eternas y se pueden usar en cualquier momento.

Strength Men's Theme

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A spiritually wimpy man has little use. If you have trusted Christ to save you and want to follow Him, then you have been given authority over every spiritual attach you'll face in life. As you grow in Christ you need to develop STRENGTH for deliverance, forgiveness, service, and leading your family.

Fortaleza - Una Tema Para Hombres

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Un hombre espiritualmente débil no es útil. Si ha confiado en Cristo para salvarlo y quiere seguirlo, entonces se le ha dado autoridad sobre cada apego espiritual que enfrentará en la vida. A medida que crece en Cristo, necesita desarrollar FUERZA para la liberación, el perdón, el servicio y el liderazgo de su familia.

Endurance Men's Theme

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Life is a battle, a race, a formidable challenge! Jesus gives a man ENDURANCE to make it through. This lesson series unpacks what it means to display Christ-centered ENDURANCE, even in very difficult circumstances and events. Men who have served Jesus many years will especially benefit from this series.

Perseverancia - Una Tema Para Hombres

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¡La vida es una batalla, una carrera, un desafío formidable! Jesús le da a un hombre RESISTENCIA para salir adelante. Esta serie de lecciones desglosa lo que significa mostrar RESISTENCIA centrada en Cristo, incluso en circunstancias y eventos muy difíciles. Los hombres que han servido a Jesús durante muchos años se beneficiarán especialmente de esta serie.