360Go Men Needed in El Salvador
A 360Go men’s missions team is needed in El Salvador this November 8-14, 2024. The team will work with King’s Castle (Castillo del Rey) on community evangelism in numerous locations near Santa Anna.
“Our friends at King’s Castle have a mission and vision to reach every single child in El Salvador with a gospel contact every single year,” says Dan Kersten, team leader and 360Go Director. “They’ve been able to do this through incredible coordination, passion, and the participation of believers who come in to help.
“A team of American men coming into a neighborhood to show kindness, have fun with the kids, pass out gifts, and take time to minister and pray with people is going to deeply touch a lot of hearts!”
Every 360Go men’s missions trip has three objectives. One, help men experience the joys of missions work and serving others.
Two, assist missionaries with priority ministry or building needs on the field. Every 360Go missions team originates from field requests. In this case, missionaries Don and Terri Triplett have requested at least two 360Go teams per year to help with evangelism and compassion ministry. That’s how big the need is in El Salvador.
Three, help men discover their ministry gifts and talents and how to use them to point others to Jesus.
“What team members see, hear, taste, smell and sense on a 360Go trip will be life altering. I believe it will impact their families, churches, and communities in future,” Kersten says.
Accommodations will be at the King’s Castle campus along the Lake Coatepeque caldera, an extinct volcano. There will also be a free day activity. There is no requirement to speak Spanish, as every 360Go team will have translators assisting the whole week.
In November 2023, a 360Go men’s team of eight spent a week evangelizing throughout the country. Check out the recap video of that trip.
The cost for the El Salvador trip is $950 per traveler, plus airfare, which will vary depending on point of origin in the United States.
Click here to visit the 360Go page and see more trip details.
Click here to register for the trip, pay a $25 deposit fee, and fill out the online registration form.
Contact Dan Kersten at 417.862.1447 ext. 4174 or [email protected] if you have questions.